Financial Education in Science and Practice
Meta-project Financial Education
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding a number of research projects on financial education as part of the Empirical Educational Research framework programme. The MetaFin joint project is the meta-project of this funding line for financial education research. It promotes the networking of stakeholders from the individual projects, systematically collates research findings and transfers knowledge to specific target groups. In addition, as part of the accompanying research, the meta-project addresses cross-project research questions from an overarching perspective.
- Educational Research Conference 2025Bild von @BMBF Bildungsforschungstagung 2025: Gemeinsam für bessere Bildung in allen Lebensphasen Unter dem Motto „Gemeinsam für mehr Wirkung“ lädt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und… read more »Educational Research Conference 2025
- Handover of Notification for MetaFinFinancial education is crucial for people's personal security and overall economic stability. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) have therefore launched the “Financial Literacy” initiative, which includes... read more »Handover of Notification for MetaFin
Focus of the project

MetaFin connects the participating projects along their key areas, methods, and objectives through various activities such as conferences, workshops, and an online seminar series.
Accompanying Research
MetaFin conducts research on overarching fundamental questions of financial education in Germany and provides a comprehensive online resource through the Clearinghouse for Financial Education Research (CHF).

Knowledge transfer
MetaFin organizes the knowledge transfer on financial education research, among other things, through its own academic journal, online communication, podcasts, and stakeholder dialogues.