The overarching project "Financial Education"
The project "MetaFin" aims to expand the data and research foundation for financial education in Germany and to gain new insights for evidence-based financial education. Therefore, evidence-based and practice-oriented measures are developed to promote the financial education of citizens at all stages of education and age groups, strengthen educational equity, and unlock individual potential. This is achieved through the three focus areas: networking, accompanying research, and knowledge transfer.

The field Networking aims to connect the research projects funded under the "Financial Education" guideline with one another. To achieve this, specific interests and needs within the projects will be identified in order to take them into account when further developing the offerings and activities of the overarching project. The following activities are planned within the area of networking, among others:
Accompanying Research
The research activities of the overarching project aim to create a foundation for financial education research in Germany, identify and leverage synergies between the projects, strengthen the connection of the funding guideline to international financial education research, and establish a long-term research infrastructure for this field of study. The research projects include:

Knowledge transfer
Knowledge transfer is a fundamental condition for the effectiveness of scientific knowledge in society. Transfer is a reciprocal process involving communicative and interactive elements of the co-construction of knowledge. It is not about instructing practice through science, but about systematically considering the context-specific nature of approaches and practices, which also includes the transfer of socially relevant questions in research work. Activities for knowledge transfer in the project include, among others: