The path from financial knowledge to financial action
The project
In many studies that measure the financial behaviour of young adults, situational involvement is realised, but this is often under-complex compared to reality. In addition, the question of the connection between knowledge and action and findings on which other variables (in addition to financial knowledge, in particular the consideration of mistakes and misconceptions) have an influence on goal-oriented action are underrepresented. For this reason, the project aiming to modell the path from financial knowledge to financial action.
Sub-goals are (1) the systematisation of the relevant content areas of financial literacy and research and surveys on relevant decision-making environments. (2) The identification and validation of common errors and misconceptions in financial literacy that can disrupt the path from knowledge to action. (3) The modelling of action in financial situations on the basis of knowledge on the one hand and possible errors and misconceptions on the other, taking into account central psychological dispositions (e.g. attitudes) and exogenous influencing factors (e.g. decision-making environments). In order to achieve these goals, several interview studies and a questionnaire study will be conducted. All findings will then be visualised and validated in video vignettes. Towards the end of the project, measures are also planned to disseminate the results in practice (learning videos and workshops).
Project term
01/2025 – 12/2027
Project Management
Prof. Dr. Roland Happ (Verbundleiter)
Institut of Business Education and Management Training (IFW)
Department for Vocational Education with a focus on Economics
Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Eveline Wuttke
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Department for Business Education, in particular empirical teaching-learning research
Goethe University Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster
Mercator School of Management
Department for
Finance and Banking
University of Duisburg-Essen
Elisa Wagner
Leipzig University
Luna Becker
Goethe University Frankfurt
Hüseyin Okumus
University of Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Roland Happ
Leipzig University
Prof. Dr. Eveline Wuttke
Goethe University Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster
University of Duisburg-Essen